LGBT in Britain - Trans Report (2018)
- One in eight trans employees (12 per cent) have been physically attacked by a colleague or customer in the last year
- Half of trans people (51 per cent) have hidden their identity at work for fear of discrimination
- A quarter of trans people (25 per cent) have experienced homelessness
LGBT in Britain - Trans Report is Stonewall's new research, based on research with 871 trans and non-binary people by YouGov and highlighting the profound levels of discrimination and hate crime faced by trans people in Britain today.
Key findings
- Two in five trans people (42 per cent) who would like to undergo medical intervention as part of their transition, haven’t done so yet, because they fear the consequences it might have on their family life.
- Almost half (48 per cent) of trans people don’t feel comfortable using public toilets through fear of discrimination or harassment.
- A third of trans people (34 per cent) have been discriminated against because of their gender identity when visiting a café, restaurant, bar or nightclub in the last year.
- More than a quarter (28 per cent) of trans people in a relationship in the last year have faced domestic abuse from a partner.
- More than two in five trans people (44 per cent) avoid certain streets because they don’t feel safe there as an LGBT person.
- One in four (25 per cent) were discriminated against when looking for a house or flat to rent or buy in the last year. One in five non-binary people (20 per cent) have experienced discrimination while looking for a new home.
- When accessing general healthcare services in the last year, two in five trans people (41 per cent) said healthcare staff lacked understanding of trans health needs.
- More than a third of trans students (36 per cent) in higher education have experienced negative comments or behaviour from staff in the last year.
What respondents said
I get shouted at every single time I leave my house and threatened at least once a week. I try to closet myself from my family because I’m so close to getting kicked out. I can’t access hormone replacement therapy without going private. I’m disabled. It’s a lot to deal with and I’m crumbling under the stress but I consider myself a warrior. But really, something needs to change.
Stevie, 21 (Wales)
Even just five years ago it was not safe for me to come out as trans, the pace of change has been amazing. Unfortunately, there now appears to be a backlash against that progress in the last year with hate from the media against trans increasing disturbingly in the last six months. This increasing transphobia is accelerating and is causing acute anxiety in my daily life.
Willow, 40 (Wales)
We are constantly questioned on our existence, treated hostilely and ridiculed in the name of debate. We are constantly exposed to hate and criticism in the media and daily life as the public respond to the media’s attitudes. I’m sick of being described as a mentally ill freak.
Esme, 32 (Scotland)
I have recently started at a new university. I was laughed at, ridiculed, and became the butt of jokes that normally gender me as a woman. This has been constant since day one.
Taylor, 23 (South East)
What you can do
Stonewall is also calling for everyone to take a visible stand against anti-trans discrimination where they find it. People can:
- Call out anti-trans abuse whenever they see it, so long as it is safe to do so. Supporting those being targeted lets them know they have allies.
- Let local business owners know if they witness an anti-trans incident from staff or other customers so they can tackle it. Make clear that they could risk losing customers if they don’t.