Flag LGBTQ+ hate incidents - Download Zoteria | Scotland
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Flag LGBTQ+ hate incidents - Download Zoteria

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Why Zoteria?

In the last 5 years transphobic hate crimes have increased by 186%, while hate crimes against lesbian, gay, and bi people have increased by 112%.

Just 1 in 5 hate crime victims are able to access support. By utilising Zoteria, you can anonymously report hate incidents that occur to yourself or others. Our partner, Galop, is an LGBT+ anti-abuse charity that will provide you with the support you need.

By flagging these incidents, you assist us in creating a more accurate understanding of hate crime, enabling us to drive social and policy changes. Currently, only 1 out of 8 hate crimes are reported.

Download the app now and help us address hate crime against our community.

If you see or experience an anti-LGBTQ+ hate incident, flag it with Zoteria.

How does it work?

  • Download the app
  • Register or proceed as a guest
  • In case you decide to ask for support, Galop will reach out to you by phone, SMS, or by email and provide support as required.

To keep everyone safe, and to avoid members of the LGBTQ+ community from being outed, Zoteria “hides” behind a quotes app. It also has a secret mode and quick exit button.

It’s important to note that Zoteria is not linked to the police and is not an emergency app. If you, or anyone you are with, are in danger, you should still call 999 for emergency services.

Why is it needed?

A hate incident is any act that someone perceives to be motivated by hostility or prejudice towards a part of a person’s identity. It could include – but is not limited to – verbal abuse, harassment, physical attacks, threats of violence, and online abuse.

When a hate incident involves a criminal offence, it is classified as a hate crime.

Recent Home Office figures suggest that reported anti-LGBT+ hate crime in the UK has grown at twice the rate of other forms of hate crime for the last two years. In the last 5 years transphobic hate crimes have increased by 186%, while hate crimes against lesbian, gay, and bi people have increased by 112%.

But even this is only the tip of the iceberg. Most hate crime goes unreported, with Galop’s 2021 report showing that only one in eight LGBT+ people surveyed had reported their most recent experience of hate crime to the police. Over half stated that they thought the police wouldn’t do anything, and almost a third who didn’t report said they mistrusted or were fearful of the police.

And those who do seek out support are also currently not always getting the help they need. Three in five LGBT+ people surveyed who had experienced hate crime said they wanted and needed help, but only one in five were able to access support.

Meet our partners

Developed by Vodafone Foundation in partnership with Stonewall and Galop, Zoteria empowers the LGBTQ+ community, and our allies, to tackle the issue of LGBTQ+ hate incidents together.

For over 10 years, Vodafone Foundation has used technology to connect over 2.4 million people affected by domestic violence, abuse and hate crime, offering advice, support, and education.

Galop is a UK-based charity specialising in supporting directly LGBT+ people who experience abuse and violence.

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