Black LGBTQ+ organisations you should know about | Scotland
Chwaraewch Ran

Black LGBTQ+ organisations you should know about

This Black History Month, our Black LGBTQ+ staff have identified a number of Black-led LGBTQ+ organisations, community groups and social spaces that are doing incredible work and providing much needed support for Black LGBTQ+ people in the UK. 

This list includes groups and initiatives led by Black LGBTQ+ people for Black LGBTQ+ people. 

This list is not exhaustive. We will constantly be updating this page, so if you know of any groups that are missing let us know by emailing

African Rainbow Family

This charity supports LGBTIQ people of African heritage and the wider BAME community. It was established in 2014 in the wake of some Commonwealth countries in Africa’s draconian anti-gay laws, persecutions and environment that seek to criminalise LGBTIQ people. They support refugees and people seeking asylum, stand against hate crime and campaign for global LGBTIQ equality.

AZ Magazine

This is a media platform that allows LGBT+ people of colour to showcase their talents and to address the issues that are faced in the BME community. They organise monthly AZ Hub events which are a social space for workshops, screenings, art display, discussion, performance and information sharing. This space is a direct response to the lack of alcohol-free, daytime spaces for LGBT+ people of colour in London. They recently launched the AZ Creative Fund to support 5 Black LGBT+ creatives or collectives.

Bisi Almi Foundation

Established in 2015, following the enactment of the Same Sex Marriage Prohibition Act 2013 in Nigeria, BAF aims to work towards a Nigeria where everyone is equal irrespective of sexual orientation or gender identity. They focus on three thematic areas, so as to contribute towards influencing opinions and views on LGBT issues in Nigeria: research, capacity development and stakeholder engagement.

This is a public health community organisation and registered charity dedicated to promoting health, wellbeing and equality for LGBTQ+ communities of colour. 

Black LGBTQIA+ Therapy Fund

In 2020, in response to the worldwide pandemic, this was set up to fund therapy sessions for Black LGBTQIA+ people, recognising the unique challenges Black LGBTQIA+ people face and the huge mental health toll this can have. The fund initially asked for £1,000 but they were able to raise over £70,000 to fund a number of therapy sessions.

This organisation amplifies the voices of Black queer women in the UK. 

Black Remote She

This group was created as a safe haven for Black LGBTQIA+ people and allies interested in working remotely. The group posts job opportunities and resources to support Black people  currently looking for employment remotely.

BlackOut UK

This group was created to recognise the need for Black queer men to have a space to think, shout, show off, curse, celebrate, launch, reflect, share and be heard. They encourage and stimulate debate and discussion online and face to face through their website, writer workshops, networking events, and supporting interventions to meet the needs of Black queer men.

Black Trans Alliance

This is a newly formed Black-led organisation that aim to support Black trans people in London

Black Trans Foundation

Axelle Nasah, a Stonewall Young Campaigner, has set up a new community organisation for Black trans people in the UK. The organisation will support Black trans people in areas such as mental health.

Exist Loudly

This is an organisation committed to creating spaces of joy and community for queer Black young people. Their work has included the first-of-its-kind research looking into the lives and experiences of Black LGBT youth in the UK within education, healthcare and the home.

Kaleidoscope Trust

This is a UK-based charity fighting for the rights of LGBTQI+ people across the Commonwealth 

Melanin Skate Gals and Pals

This is a skating community for queer Black people and people of colour. 

NDY Global 

This is a QPOC / LGBTQIA+ fitness collective. 

A charity supporting LGBTI+ asylum seekers and refugees in the UK, France, and the Netherlands. 

Founded by Black LGBTQ+ speaker Andreena Leanne, this is an open mic poetry night that provides a welcoming space for the LGBTQ+ community to share & listen. 

This is a platform, library, arts organisation, and digital archive that amplifies African, Caribbean and Afro-Latinx, and queer stories. 

Co-founded by Lady Phyll, UK Black Pride is the world's largest pride celebration for LGBTQI+ people of African, Asian, Caribbean, Latin American and Middle Eastern-descent, taking place annually in London and hosting community events throughout the year. 

Vogue Rites

This is a vogue ball series & music collective, celebrating ball culture and community. 


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